2025 Paulding Chamber Board of Directors Application

Please complete the information below to submit your application for a Board of Directors position with the Paulding Chamber.
Board Member Expectations
• Be an advocate for the Chamber - tell the Chamber story. This is so important! • Become familiar with the Chamber’s governing document, policies, and positions so that you can be an informed representative when called upon. • Come prepared to discuss the issues and business to be addressed at scheduled meetings, having read the agenda and relevant background material. • Maintain confidentiality of information received for governance and decision making at board meetings. • Attend annual day long Board Retreat as scheduled annually. • Attend monthly board meetings, held on the 2nd Wednesday of every other month at 9:00 AM in the Hal & Becky Echols Room, at the Paulding Chamber of Commerce Lower Level. Meetings will be even months. A maximum of two board meeting absences per year are allowed before possible removal from the Board. • Support decisions made by the Chamber Board of Directors and the confidentiality of all financial and business decisions of the Chamber. • Attend the Chamber’s Annual Awards Gala where you will be recognized. • Observe the rules of order and display courteous conduct in all board, committee, and task force meetings. • Work with and respect the opinions of your peers who serve on this Board. • Act in the best interests of the Chamber, the membership, leadership, volunteers, and staff. • Always represent the Chamber in a positive and supportive manner and in all places. • Attend 50% of the monthly GreyStone Power Luncheons Meetings. (Held the first Thursday of each month except for January and July). • Attend and support Chamber non dues revenue events. • Serve on at least one Chamber Committee/program (required). • Minimum monetary commitment of $2,500. This can be achieved through your membership dues, attending events (paid entry, sponsorship, or a dollar value credited towards volunteering), selling tickets or fundraiser items, and selling memberships. • Provide a minimum of 10 referrals of potential members per year to staff or secure one Chairman’s Club membership. • Must commit to the participation in and support the Chamber’s Buy Local Initiative Program (which is to support and advocate the use of other Chamber members). • Comply with local, state, and federal laws to protect the interest and property of the Chamber.
Board Member Commitment
As a Board Member, you agree to... • Uphold the governing documents of the Chamber. • Avoid actions or discussions that could violate state or federal antitrust laws. • Disclose any potential or perceived conflicts of interest at the start of and throughout your term. • Respect the confidentiality of documents and discussions you may see while performing your board duties. • Work to advance the mission of the Chamber and to serve the Chamber’s members.
I have read the Board Member Expectations and Commitment shown above. If elected, I understand and agree to fulfill the responsibilities, time commitments and expectations as specified above. *
Thank you for taking the time to complete the Paulding Chamber Board of Directors Application. A member from the 2025 Paulding Chamber Board Nominating Committee will be in contact and provide interview and next step instructions.